Page 6: September 06

Now that I’ve passed the ‘established’ phase of my pregnancy, the niggly fears of labour have started to creep in!

We start antenatal classes tonight so I assume all will be explained and I’ll begin to feel a bit more comfortable about it all.  Despite having plenty of access to the internet and several hardcopy books on hand where I can find abundant information on labour and birth, I’ve shied away from it all – choosing instead to opt for ignorance.  Silly, I know, but the painful fear lingering from the miscarriages experiences are still fairly prominent in my mind. So, until I’m ready to learn more about labour and birth, I’ll choose to remain ‘in the dark’.

I’ve already had one ‘scare’ where baby started moving a lot less in my tummy for several days.  When I went for a checkup all seemed fine and almost as if he was waiting to be confirmed as ‘ok’, he started moving about as much as he used to AFTER the checkup.  Go figure…