Page 4: July 27

Well, the anomaly scan went well yesterday.  Apparently my little boy is doing just fine 🙂  So far we’ve purchased almost all we need to accommodate our new arrival, although there are obviously a few things still on the list, but we still have plenty of time to make sure all is as prepared as it can be for the ‘big day’.

I feel daily kicks to remind me that there’s a living being growing in my tummy and whenever I get aches and pains, I make a conscious effort not to get too worried about them.  I’ve decided that I’ll worry about pain if it goes on for longer than a day.  Although I didn’t apply this decision to the daily headaches I had about a month ago, I feel that I have to be more rational now and have faith that all will remain well.

There has been no reason for me to feel or believe that this pregnancy will not continue successfully.  So, I will continue to be as happy as I can be about it and allow any fears and anxieties to come and go in a way that they should for any normal pregnancy.