Personal stories

Most people know at least one person who has experienced a miscarriage.  Very often you only find out about their miscarriage when you share the news of your own one with them.

The personal miscarriage stories in this section are posted on this site to help other women, and couples, process their experiences.  It helped me tremendously to read real-life stories, in detail, and I hope it will help you too.

WARNING:  These are all true stories written in the words of the women who experienced them.  Due to the nature of the topic, the stories are highly emotional and some sections are fairly graphic.  The stories have been left in their raw state specifically to help other women who read them to understand that they are not alone.  The intense physical and emotional pain is an element of miscarriage shared by most women who have gone through it.  It is highly misunderstood by many, including women who have not experienced a miscarriage themselves.

This is part of the reality as much as the emotional element is.

Feel free to comment or send in your own stories.