About this website

It’s likely that by the time you come across this website, you’d already have researched a fair bit about miscarriage.  Creating this website was my way of dealing with my own miscarriages.  Included are personal stories from other women who have experienced miscarriage(s) at various stages in their lives, some before and some after successful live births.  My own story of my first pregnancy and miscarriage is recorded among them.

WARNING:  These are all true stories written in the words of the women who experienced them.  Due to the nature of the topic, the stories are highly emotional and some sections are fairly graphic.  The stories have been left in their raw state specifically to help other women who read them to understand that they are not alone.  The intense physical and emotional pain is an element of miscarriage shared by most women who have gone through it.  It is also an element highly misunderstood by many others, including women who have not experienced a miscarriage themselves.

While coping with my own miscarriages, it helped me tremendously to read other true and detailed stories about miscarriage.  I hope the content on this website helps you too.

I’ve included a mini ‘Diary of a loss’ which is a brief record of my second pregnancy and its subsequent miscarriage.  The ‘Images’ section is a mixture of drawings, paintings and photos representing both experiences.  I’m not an artist but, in addition to writing it all down, drawing how I felt helped me externalise some of my feelings.  If you did the same, it might help for you too?

If you’d like to share your story, please feel free to do so and I can add your story to this site.  The ‘Do you have a comment’ menu option (on the right, at the top) will give you an option to ‘Click here to comment’.